(This panel can be dragged to a convenient position on the screen)
This utility loads pictures into existing or new albums. On the left is a list of current albums - select one or enter a name for a new one - then click Proceed.

In the panel that opens on the right, the Select Files button is used to choose the picture(s) to be uploaded. Pictures can also be 'drag & dropped' into the Upload Progress panel. The filename of the pictures is used as the caption when showing in the gallery so it should make sense! When all pictures have been selected, click Upload Files to send them to the server - this may take a while. As each one is uploaded, it is marked as such. The Clear button clears previously selected pictures. The Reset button reloads the page - use this if you need to upload more pictures to a different album.

* Pictures with same filename will overwrite existing pictures without warning.
* Pictures do not need to be resized before uploading - this is taken care of by the Uploader
* Occasionally a picture will fail to upload. If this happens, try again - if it still fails send picture to webmaster

Christchurch U3A

Picture uploader

(Max of 20 at a time)

(NOTE: Pictures with same name will overwrite existing pictures without warning.)