Christchurch U3A Archive Manager
(NOTE: Uploading files with same name will overwrite existing files without warning.)
This utility manages the Christchurch U3A Document Archive.
(This Help panel can be 'click & dragged' around the screen as necessary.)
On the left is a list of current folders - click on a folder name to see its contents. Click again to collapse contents.
Click on a filename to open it - if edited, it will need to be saved locally and then re-uploaded.
To upload to the archive, select the target folder (by clicking round button to left of folder name).
In the panel that opens on the right, the Select Files button is used to choose the file(s) to be uploaded. Files can only be uploaded to one folder at a time. When all files have been selected, click Upload Files to send them to the server - this may take a while. As each one is uploaded, it is marked as such. If you get an error, try that file again - if error persists, advise webmaster.
The small close 'X' can be used to cancel an upload or remove an entry from the Progress panel - the Clear button clears all current entries. Use the Reset button if you need to upload more files to a different folder.
To create a new top level folder - right-click in a blank area of the mustard coloured panel that contains the folder list.
To create a subfolder - right-click on parent folder name. There is no limit to the number of levels of subfolder.
To rename or delete a folder or file - right-click on its name.
Left click anywhere in the mustard coloured panel to remove right-click menu
Files with same filename will overwrite existing files without warning.