Contact information for Christchurch U3A Committee and Non Committee members of the management team
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John Bell
01425 248601
07849 020436
Sue Fillery
01202 496256
07739 260259
Kathleen Smith
07804 255494
Eileen Lancaster
Membership Secretary
01202 566387
07877 098836
Jackie Sherman
Group Co-ordinator
07732 598090
John Fairbairn
New Member Contact
01202 424466
Rosemary McCulloch
Newsletter Editor
07729 738571
Ian Peterkin
Programme Coordinator
07810 558298
Paula Watton
Publicity Coordinator
01202 392934
07722 894414
Rosemary McCulloch
Publicity Coordinator
07729 738571
Sue Crosoer
Venues Co-ordinator
07449 338453
07449 338453
Elaine Trayler
Epicentre Manager
07506 165559
Jennet Lambert
Speakers Secretary
01202 476631
07770 773320
Archie Hoggan
Technical Co-ordinator
07905 864455
Sue Fillery
Minutes Secretary
01202 496256
07739 260259
Eileen Lancaster
01202 566387
07877 098836
Office: Epicentre, 27A High Street, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1AB
Telephone: 01202 480027 (Answerphone service) Email:
Registered Charity Number: 1091197