Christchurch U3A offers a programme of educational and leisure activities for those not in full-time employment, and is part of a worldwide movement. Members with similar interests meet during the day in small groups, either weekly or fortnightly and at various venues. The main aim is to advance the education of retired people and assist them in pursuing their interests within a social environment.
There are no entry qualifications required and no examinations. Study groups are relaxed and non-competitive, and frequently create new friendships. There is an active social programme (monthly meetings and walks, periodic theatre and concert visits, etc), and a regular magazine.
The annual membership fee is £45 per person This includes a £4 Capitation Fee to our national organization, The Third Age Trust , which provides a wide range of services and benefits, including liability insurance cover. If you belong to another U3A, the annual membership fee is reduced by the amount of the Capitation Fee, providing you can supply proof of membership. N.B. This only applies to full year membership. If you are applying after the start of the membership year, the fees are as follows: The fee for the spring and summer terms is £30. The fee for the summer term only is £15.